And beyond ..
Conga Cattlemen in action
We believe that through the sharing of livestock experiences with other farmers in Conga, we will achieve to fortify our capacities as well as our knowledge and technical production skills. That's why the project is still encouraging Conga Livestock internships in dairy basins of Jequetepeque in La Libertad, Lurin in Lima and Majes in Arequipa.
The goal is to make a total of 870 small livestock producers s to visit various stalls so in the future they could increase their production and profitability by joining stocked-up companies like Nestle and Gloria.
During the internship, they emphasize issues such as alternative power systems, technical and production management, genetic improvement and innovative systems to manage the productivity of dairy cattle.
This is the way Farmers win:
"“I feel very happy of learning new things about this internship. Congratulations to Yanacocha which through Conga makes the effort to help its villages. We have seen how other regions had moved forward and indeed we could do the same if we worked together”.
Ebert William Idrogo Jambo (Hamlet of Quengorío Alto)
"I feel very happy and grateful about FONCREAGRO and the Conga Project because my colleagues and I can see a beautiful cattle. I wish we could improve the breed of our houses. It would make a great change"
Mesías Cabrera Lozano (Hamlet of Huangashanga)
"I praise the efforts of this mining project and I make a call to farmers to take advantage of this opportunity. The best recommendation I could give you is to gather together to do business as this is the only way to succeed."
Arnulfo Paredes Pacheco, (Majes Agricultural Producers Association)
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