September 5, 2011

Water is guaranteed

In a brief interview, Project Conga’s manager environment, Carlomagno Bazán, pointed out that water quality and quantity was guaranteed n his area of influence.

Will Project Conga reduce water quantity on the head of the river basin?
During the Conga operation we have foreseen a positive impact on water quantity. The environmental steps proposed in the Environment Impact Study (EIA in Spanish) and approved by the National Water Authority and the Ministry of Energy and Mines includes the building of reservoirs with a capacity of up to 3.2Mm3 water for exclusive use in the farmlands in the neighboring basins. These steps will have a greater benefit than impact itself on the underground drainage network and natural water harvesting system.

What benefits will the Conga reservoirs provide?
According to historical water quantity records in the neighboring basins, during the driest months of the dry season (August -September) there is usually a maximum discharge of 20l/s approximately. However, studies state that with reservoirs said areas would be in a position to provide a total discharge of no less than 51 liters/second to neighboring basins, thus supplying a greater quantity of water even in the driest of the season. This translates into more available water for the exclusive use of the communities within the area of influence of the Conga Project.

Besides quantity, is water quality also assured?
The environmental steps to be taken concerning water quality include the building of great sediment control dams to hold sediments in the Alto Jadibamba, Alto Chirimayo and Chailhuagon Rivers basins, so that water discharge to said basins does not exceed a 50mg/liter total suspended solids (TSS) concentration. As to the steps proposed to control mine acid drainage, the Project plans to implement an acid water treatment plant to enable discharge of treated water as per applicable Environmental Quality Standards (EQS).

Promoting farm activity

In to strengthen farm activity in the Huasiyuc Jadibamba hamlet, Yanacocha’s Conga Project delivered a modern John Deere tractor with plough and tiller to the Huasiyuc- Jadibamba livestock association.

The producers in that area will be able to boost agricultural and livestock production in over two thousand hectares, thus enhancing conditions for crops, improved pasture grass and other farm activities.

More income for producers

Farmers in the area of intervention of Project Conga have notably improved production of improved native potato with technical help from the Sustainable Development Association (ADERS Perú).

Farmer’s Field Schools (ECA in Spanish) have been implemented to attain the objectives. Over one hundred small farmers take part in the program striving to enhance potato production and preserve ancestral native potato varieties.

The alliance between Project Conga, ADERS Peru and the peasants enables the opportunity of harvesting potato twice a year, thus increasing family income and providing better opportunities to place their products in the local market.

The project includes business management training to rural families so they can offer more competitive products, using new market opportunities and preserving the genetic diversity of native potato.

I won a friend for life

The student volunteer program was held from July 17 – 23 at the El Porvenir hamlet, in the district of La Encañada in Cajamarca. This program, supported by the Asociación los Andes de Cajamarca, Project Conga – Yanacocha and other institutions and projects linked to social development works toward the sustainable development of the Cajamarca region.

Interaction between students from El Porvenir primary school and Markham College and Davy College has enabled sharing summits and visions between both groups, which now keep in touch through the scheme “I won a friend for life”, which implies keeping in touch in spite of distance.

The volunteer program included: Training workshops to preserve the environment and management of solid residues, building of garbage pits on school grounds and six houses in the hamlet, improvement of latrines and waste water drainage, inside and outside painting of school facilities, alphabet implementation of school and hamlet, sanding and varnishing of doors and windows, implementation of vegetable gardens and livestock dose; all under the technical support of professionals.

Information meeting with Celendín

The 2011 XIV Agricultural, Touristic, Artisan and Folklore Fair was held in Celendin during the Virgen del Carmen festivities, where several public and private institutions had information booths and also booths offering regional products; Yanacocha’s Project Conga offered information and answered queries from the population concerning mining activities in Cajamarca and their contribution to national development.

Conga’s booth was one of the most visited and where the population was asked about their knowledge about mining and environmental topics.

September 2, 2011

Sharing with our neighbors

A new integration workshop was held in the Uñigan Pululo Hamlet in the district of Sorochuco, where workers from Project Conga and our neighbors strengthened friendship and fraternity relations. Family planning and environment care topics were broached during the workshop.
The authorities and the population supported this type of integrating activities.

July 4, 2011

Progress comes

“You can see the progress is coming”. With this phrase Diana Félix Lévano, Principal of School No. 821341 from El Lirio hamlet, Huasmín district, started the opening ceremony of the new rooms of her institution that was executed under an interinstitutional agreement between the District Municipality of Huasmín and Los Andes de Cajamarca Association (ALAC) through Mining Solidarity Fund (FMSC) and Conga Project.

The opening of 3 classrooms, auditorium, Principal’s office, library and restrooms have the massive assistance of parents, local authorities, mayor and councilmen of the District Municipality of Huasmín, representatives of Celendín Local Education Management Unit (UGECEL), representatives of the Regional Directorate of Education (DRE) and representatives of ALAC, FMSC and Conga project.

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About the Conga Project

Conga is a Yanacocha project that is currently finishing its Environmental Impact Study. One this study is approved and the financing is obtained, Conga will not longer be a project and it will go through a construction phase in order to become a copper and gold mine. The project is located in the provinces of Celendín (Huasmin and Sorochuco districts) and Cajamarca (La Encañada District).

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