Better stoves, better quality of life
The kitchen is one of the most important places in our house, because the daily menu for the family is prepared there and most of the housewives, in company of their children, spend a lot of hours of the day there.
In the kitchens of Celendin, people traditionally cook with firewood maintaining in this way the delicious and characteristic smoked taste of our Andes. But this also causes respiratory complications, pollution with toxic smoke, burns and other problems because of the bad conditions of some stoves in Cajamarca.
What does Conga suggest?
Improve the family economy and give more security to the families of Celendin without losing their tradition.
For that we have given till today 243 improved firewood stoves to the families participating in the project which thwart the lack of firewood, avoid the smoke, and reduce the time of cooking and the most important things: provide commodity and hygiene to the families.
An excuse
On 27th of September, at the Primary Educative Institution of Quengo Rio Bajo, we organized a kermesse so that benefitted families and volunteers could fraternize. Likewise, the construction of stoves became an excellent opportunity to interact and have a good time knowing each other between the workers of the Mine Yanacocha /Conga Project and our neighbors.
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