Could a mine promote development before starting to operate?
We have been working for the sustainable development in communities, despite the fact we have not become a mine yet. Why? Because we have a social and environmental commitment with Cajamarca.
We believe that sustainable human development is an approach which promotes fundamental skills of the people (education, health, income, civic participation, among others) and at the same time, train citizens to acquire high levels of autonomy.
There are a lot of cases we could share. At this time, we will introduce the case of the famous milk from Cajamarca.
Thanks to the Fondo de Crédito para el Desarrollo Agroforestal (FONCREAGRO) which we are supporting, 870 families benefit from improved health conditions of livestock and plant improved pastures, among other services.Since the cows are the main source of milk produced in Cajamarca, we have implemented a preventive vaccination campaign and we have also boosted the registration and earrings of cows to optimize production.
Since the cows are the main source of milk produced in Cajamarca, we have implemented a preventive vaccination campaign and we have also boosted the registration and earrings of cows to optimize production.
Conga´s formulaHow to contribute to human development for the dairy farmers to produce more milk of better quality?
- A strong and committed partnership with local actors
- A rich Credit Fund for Agroforestry Development (FONCREAGO)
- Intense training for dairymen
- Essential care for the cows (registration, vaccination and veterinary services)
- Good Pastures
- A lot of quantities of work committed to a long-term vision
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