March 30, 2010

6 good reasons

If Conga becomes a mine, it will be a great chance for development because:

1. There will be more water for the fields.
2. It will promote development programs during 20 years.
3. There will be training programs and employment.
4. It will boost the local and regional economy.
5. It will allow the state to generate incomes through the taxes.
6. It will generate mining royalties for the local development.


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About the Conga Project

Conga is a Yanacocha project that is currently finishing its Environmental Impact Study. One this study is approved and the financing is obtained, Conga will not longer be a project and it will go through a construction phase in order to become a copper and gold mine. The project is located in the provinces of Celendín (Huasmin and Sorochuco districts) and Cajamarca (La Encañada District).

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