People first
In Conga, we are convinced that the social investment must be focused in a long-term vision. So, it is very important to work together with the development specialists and representatives of the populations to be close to the people, their families, custom and needs in order to recognise new alternatives to encourage the local and regional development.
With this in mind, we launched an important initiative: To set up the Alianza por el Desarrollo de Cajamarca y contra la Pobreza (The Alliance for the development of Cajamarca and reduction of Poverty). On February 11th, 2010 we subscribed with enthusiasm our Deed of Constitution. This Alliance involves habitants from 38 communities of the high Andes located in the border of the provinces of Cajamarca and Celendín. It is an inter-institutional platform composed of several collective efforts with a common goal: to seek sustainable development through innovative social, integrated and participatory projects that stir capabilities.
Thus, we can make individual and collective changes in the families of Conga, by improving their quality of life and reducing the poverty.
Who makes up the Alliance?
The heart of the Alliance is made up by 38 villages of the area of our Conga project. A number of public and private organizations and institutions specialized in sustainable development also takes part in this initiative. Such as:
- The villages of Agua Blanca, La Chorrera, Unigen lily, Unigen swarm Cruzpampa, El Tingo, Tablacucho, Faro Low, Santa Rosa de Huasmín (La Victoria), Huangashanga, Pampa Verde, El Alto No. 8 Chilac No. 8 Coñicorgue , Jerez, Shanipata, Quengorío Alto, Quengorío Bajo, El Tambo, Jadibamba Baja, alum, Namococha, Las Lagunas de Combayo, El Porvenir, Quinuapampa, El Valle, San Juan and Yerba Buena Yerba Buena Chica.
- The Regional Department of Health of Cajamarca.
- The Regional Management of Social development of Cajamarca.
- Minera Yanacocha - Conga Project.
- Los Andes de Cajamarca Association.
- PREDECI (Programa de Reducción de la Desnutrición Infantil).
- PRIE – IPAE – Empresarios por la Educación.
- Funder Perú.
- G y C.
- ADERS Perú.
- CEDEPAS Norte.
- Programa de Voluntariado de Minera Yanacocha.
Different specialized institutions join the initiative of 38 communities from the Conga Project area in order to stop poverty and find the path to the sustainable development. Read more...