Informative Summary
A summary from the latest news related to the Conga Project and local development.
Jorge Tirado: Mining in Celendín is the beginning of a “boom” period
Regarding to the mining subject in the province of Celendín, Jorge Tirado Merino, President of the the Celendín management support commission in Lima, emphasized "I think this is the beginning of a 'boom' period. Celendín needed an opportunity like this, and I fervently hope that my people know how to reach this goal. We, in Celendín, have the capacity to succeed. I congratulate Celendín for making its own decisions according to its rights and interests”, he added. "I hope my brothers in Celendín know how to profit from the system of water concentration to prevent the stream flows into the sea. For example, efficient trout farming, livestock genetic improvement, reforestation and other activities related to environmental issues", said Tirado.
(News published on the April 26, 2010 in the program „Caliente Noticias” broadcasted by Radio Caliente)
The Program for Reducing Chronic Malnutrition in Celendín Children is being carried out successfully
The Program for Reducing Chronic Malnutrition in Children (PREDECI - Programa de Reducción de Desnutrición Crónica) is being carried out successfully in some communities of the province of Celendín, especially in the districts of Huasmín and Sorochuco. “After two years and a half, the project results are fruitful,” commented Shenny Villoslaba Terrones, Health and Malnutrition Coordinator of the Regional Government of Cajamarca.
(News published on the April 26, 2010 in the Program „ Prensa Veraz” broadcasted by Radio Antena Uno)
Municipality of Huasmín and Conga Project work together to install a drinking water system in Huasiyuc Jadibamba
Eugenio Cruzado, President of the Administrative Board of the Drinking Water Service in the Huasiyuc Jadibamba community and the district of Huasmín, thanked the Huasmín Major and the Conga Project, for the installation of the drinking water system in that community. The work consists of 72 familiar pools, construction of two harvesting systems and two reservoirs of 10 meters3.
(News published on the April 23, 2010 in the Program “Visión Informativa” broadcasted by Imagen Televisión Channel 21)